Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dark glass jars

I didn’t eat my plums
when I had them.
Never put them
in an ice box
nor in the fridge.

I punctured the plums
with wooden
toothpicks instead
and left them
to ferment in

I soaked
them in spirits
and hid them in
dark glass jars
for months

Let the spirits
sap the plums,
let the juices
turn to spirits.

There are no
plums now.

August 12, 2009

(I wrote this on the morning of August 12, 2009. I woke up and logged in to Facebook. Dilip Chitre had written about staying up the previous night, making tea for himself and eating plums in his status message. I was reminded of WCW's "This is Just to Say".)